Programming is only half the battle

Documentation always seems to get pushed to the side while innovation and achievements are promoted and venerated. However, the usefulness of your innovation hinges on the communication of your idea. Developing for crobat, I find that nobody can contribute anything because there is no documentation, and conversely I find I can use other people’s API’s with some success because of their documentation. I created some documentation for crobat using LaTeX, but found to be a very useful tool.

While innocuous this has started me down the path of learning how to keep track of changes and further organize projects so that others can readily contribute.

If you would like to check out the current state check out the github page for the manual and see the current manual.pdf. Here is a quick screenshot of the for function documentation hat I made!

Originally published February 5, 2021

launched crobat!

Hi tonight I launched my surprisingly summer project, the Cryptocurrency Order Book Analysis Tool aka crobat.

It’s pretty cool. it can give you a rough snapshot of the orderbook and better yet it can write down the events at occur in the Level 2 order book for coinbase exchanges. This will be convenient for longitudinal studies of market microstructure since its just taking off.

Follow the github link to learn more about it !

Originally published: September 24, 2020